Narrow streets, busy intersections and pedestrians who need room to walk safely all combine for a dangerous situation on New York streets. Pedestrian accidents are common due to some of these factors and more. When pedestrian accidents happen on the streets of New York, the victims may suffer more severe injuries and incur much greater financial hardship than if that victim had been in a vehicle.
The pedestrian is naturally more susceptible to injury due to having no protection against the force of a car, regardless of the speed of that car. Common injuries can include broken bones, cuts and bruises. However, unseen injuries can be just as or more devastating, including head injuries or concussions.
Lingering injuries can affect a victim’s life long after an accident has happened and treatment has been exhausted. This may be in the form of back injuries or neck injuries that have lifelong effects. These, along with any kind of injury, can lead to rehabilitation or hospital stays that can last for weeks or longer, not to mention pain that never goes away.
When pedestrian accidents lead to injuries requiring short-term or long-term care, expense is one issue. Quality of life and enjoyment of beloved activities is another issue a victim needs to consider when injured on a New York roadway. Our firm has more information online about the nature of pedestrian accidents and the importance of making sure insurance companies do the right thing so a victim can recover as much as possible without incurring too much personal financial hardship.