Any construction site in the city or the suburbs can be inherently wrought with danger. Even though injuries from construction accidents may happen anywhere, anyone injured has rights and protections under the law. Anyone injured at a construction site in New York can benefit from knowing what legal options may be available and what type of incidents can commonly lead to construction accidents.
The very materials used on construction sites can be the source of injuries. Scaffolding and ladders can be an obvious source because if these items collapse at any time, anyone on or around them can be susceptible to injury. Concrete accidents are also quite common and can lead to devastating injuries, along with any type of fall.
If a worker or passerby is injured at any site, that person may have to deal with lost wages as he or she may miss work to attend medical appointments or seek treatment. Also, the sheer cost of medical treatment can be much more than a victim can anticipate. Negotiations with a contractor or a property owner can be one way to recoup these costs and get a fair settlement relative to the injury and damage suffered.
Construction workers injured in construction accidents and innocent passersby can have their lives, careers and finances drastically altered after being a victim of such an accident. The exact details of the injuries and situation under which those injuries occurred will play a role in any type of compensation that may be possible. Our firm has more information online about construction accidents in general and what options anyone in New York may be afforded after an accident.