Being the victim of a head-on collision when someone is driving the wrong way can be an incredibly frightening experience. For one family in New York, seeing lights come their way left them with nowhere else to go and left all of them injured. The driver who traveled north in the southbound lane and hit the family has been charged in the car accident.
The incident happened back in January and the 63-year-old driver is now being charged with a number of offenses. He has been charged with reckless endangerment, aggravated vehicular assault, DWI and other charges. He was hospitalized after the incident but has been released.
The man going the wrong way hit a vehicle driven by a mother who was taking her 15-year-old and 19-year-old sons to a Boy Scout event. The mother and her sons needed to be treated for injuries. According to statements her husband made about the incident, his wife is still in a lot of pain due to a broken sternum.
In addition to the criminal charges the man faces in this New York car accident, the man may also find himself at the center of a personal injury suit if the victims decide to pursue one. Because of their injuries, they may have mounting medical bills, pain management needs, lost income and other difficulties that can lead to financial woes. A personal injury suit filed in a New York civil court may help the victims recoup their financial losses and begin to recover without fear of financial ruin.
Source:, “Alleged drunk driver indicted in wrong-way crash that injured 2“, Feb. 1, 2016