There’s plenty to do here in New York City during the summertime. Every weekend, there are festivals and celebrations of different cultures and neighborhoods in all five boroughs of the city.
Street fairs are also common in the summer months. Your kids may beg to be allowed to accompany friends to the midway and ride the rides. It’s a childhood rite of passage that you may be delighted to allow them to share with their friends.
But just how safe are those rides? It seems like every summer, there are news stories about tragic mishaps involving amusement park and carnival rides. You certainly don’t want your child to become another statistic.
You should understand that all rides are not created equal. While errors can occur at large parks like Coney Island, the oversight there is typically greater than it might be at a pop-up street carnival traveling through the northeast region.
If you want to keep your kids safer, tag along and observe the ride set-ups. Do you glimpse frayed cords and rigged equipment that has clearly seen better days? It might be wise to take a pass on that particular carnival and hold out for a trip to Coney Island instead.
But even long-established parks can sometimes create situations where safety lapses can injure or even kill riders. If your child gets injured on an amusement park ride, their recovery can be grueling and quite expensive.
As the parent of your minor child, it is up to you to take the necessary steps to hold the negligent operator and/or ride company liable for your child’s injuries. We can help you take the steps to preserve your legal rights to seek compensation.