In New York City, having a vehicle can be more of a liability than an asset. Parking is a nightmare and prohibitively expensive, and the traffic during rush hours can make motorists lose their minds during the morning and afternoon commutes.
Because of these situations, one might feel that they are at low risk of getting injured in a traffic accident. Statistically speaking, non-drivers may indeed be at lower risk, but they are not totally exempt.
Most New Yorkers routinely catch rides with private car services, as well as with Uber and Lyft. They also bike and walk to their destinations, which can place them in harm’s way. The fact is that in a thriving metropolis like New York City, auto accidents happen every day and no one is immune.
We encourage residents who were injured in motor vehicle crashes to contact our office to learn more about their rights to financial compensation after a collision. Because there are strict time limits in place when filing a claim, it is vital not to wait too long to act.
But that can be difficult when you are recuperating from the injuries that you suffered in the motor vehicle accident. Of course, your first priority should always be to address your health concerns and concentrate on your recovery. But meanwhile, your monthly bills still need to get paid even when you are not able to continue working after the accident.
Here’s where we can help. While you focus on recovering from the accident, we can file your claim for damages against the at-fault party and deal with the insurance company in order to get you the highest possible settlement offer.