Construction never stops here in New York City. But it does have busy periods and seasons when business drops off some. Right now is one of the slower periods as we head into the cold winter months.
However, construction accidents occur during all 12 months of the year, unfortunately. In fact, cold weather and icy conditions can make working construction even more hazardous.
If you get injured in a workplace accident, it is very important that you notify your supervisor and seek medical treatment for your injuries. You may initially want to brush it off, perhaps even continue working to earn your paycheck.
But that could wind up being a very shortsighted decision. Failing to timely report an injury can mean that your subsequent claim for workers’ compensation benefits will be delayed or denied outright. But you might counter, you aren’t really hurt all that bad. Slap an Ace bandage on it and you should be good to go, right?
But what if you’re not? Not all injuries are immediately evident. What appears to be nothing more than a bruise could actually be a severe muscle strain that could sideline you later and prevent you from working. But if you fail to report it and link it to your job, you will struggle mightily to justify your later claim as a work-related injury.
We help our clients prepare their workers’ comp claims and any necessary appeals. We will work hard to see that you receive all the financial compensation that you deserve for your work-related injury on a New York City construction site.