You stop at the local bodega for a six-pack and some scratch-offs on your way home from work. You can almost taste the crisp, cold flavor of the beer after a long day at work.
But you never get to complete your purchase because you slip in some fluid leaking out from beneath the beer cooler. Down you go! From the sudden pop and intense pain in your knee, you suspect that you might have ruptured your ACL. Either way, the only way you’re going out the door is going to be on an EMS stretcher.
If it is your ACL that tore, you can expect a long recovery — and most likely surgery to repair it. Then, weeks if not months of physical therapy to get you back up to speed on it. You certainly won’t be able to resume your career as a carpenter climbing scaffolds high over Manhattan streets. What can you do?
Well, your best option is to hold the owner of the bodega and their insurance company liable for your injuries and damages. The loss of income alone will set you way back, but coupled with the medical bills that you will incur for treatment, you could be out tens of thousands of dollars.
Keep in mind that the bodega owner was irresponsible to continue to use leaking and/or faulty equipment in his store. At the least, there should have been signage and/or absorbent material in place to soak up the spill that caused you to take a tumble.
We can help you file a claim for compensation under New York’s premises liability laws. Call today to learn more.