New York City residents now have access to normally difficult-to-obtain data concerning the city’s accident history. A web developer put together an interactive map that’s designed to show people the safest as well as the most dangerous intersections.
The NYC Crashmapper is an interactive heat map compiled of crash statistics. People can zoom in on the map to specific areas to see various statistics about collisions. The map displays data concerning the injuries in accidents, the number of people involved in the accidents and other factors. The web developer stated that he hoped that the map would help start putting pressure on the city to improve the city’s most dangerous intersections. Additionally, he’s reportedly working on making it so that the map can be viewed by the type of vehicle involved in the car accident, as well as the ability to jump to specific addresses.
According to the map, the areas of New York that are most accident-prone are the ones that people would expect. The busiest areas, like the Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, the intersections around Queens and Flushing, Main Street in Queens and the path that connects the Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges with the Holland tunnel, were all accident-prone. Likewise, high-traffic areas had more car accidents, and areas such as Midtown East had more auto-pedestrian accidents.
People who are injured in car accidents could decide to file personal injury lawsuits against the person who is deemed responsible for the accident. Such lawsuits could potentially allow them to receive money to help compensate them for their injuries as well as their pain and suffering. Personal injury lawyers might be able to help them to determine whether or not they have the grounds to file such claims and then assist them in filing them.
Source: Wired, “Visualizing New York’s Road Accidents With the Interactive ‘Crashmapper’“, Damon Lavrinc, August 02, 2013