Many companies are reputable and honor their workers’ legitimate claims for compensation benefits after a workplace injury occurs.
But unfortunately, it has also been our experience that far too many companies try to shortchange their workers and deny them their rightful claims to workers’ compensation benefits. When this occurs, the companies are rolling the dice on the odds that the denied claimant will give up and drop their claim.
The strategy is often effective, as many injured employees do just that. But savvy workers who suffer on-the-job injuries realize that they have additional options to explore for pressing their claims for worker’s compensation benefits.
If you are a New York City construction worker who was injured at work but whose claim was denied by your employer, we can help you with your appeal. We understand the tricks and evasions companies use to deny injured workers’ their right to covered medical treatment and financial compensation.
This is important to understand, because depending upon the severity of your injuries, you may never again be able to work in your position in your chosen field. Your earning power can be severely curtailed decades before you ever planned to leave the workforce.
But the monthly bills will keep coming, only now there will be more because you will now have lots of medical bills from the treatment for your injury. You could face financial ruin, even bankruptcy.
Sometimes, justice must be won. We can help you win the appeal to your workers’ compensation case so that you can get the compensation to which you are entitled.